Gold in the Air of Summer

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Years ago, I was in an unhappy relationship that was proving to be tricky to disentangle from, as we owned a small business together. In an effort to make things smoother between us, I did a lot of reading about how personality types differ, and how they can best mesh and mingle together. While the relationship ultimately ended, I have appreciation for that time in my life, as that was when I came to understand and embrace that I fall deeply into the wells of the Empath and the Sensualist. They both sound kinda sexy and alluring, but each has its interesting challenges.

An Empath experiences emotional events deeply, has a tendency toward melancholy when they’re not “feeling all the feels”, and can easily take on the mood of those around them. Sensualists are so into the things that provoke the senses – rich colors and appealing sights; evocative music; heady scents and tastes – that boredom comes easily when they’re not in some way aroused. This often leads to financial trouble (and probably some issues with addiction), as they feel compelled to continually chase and fuel their desire for stimulation.

Recently, someone asked me why I’m always so cheerful, and while I think they were playfully teasing, it gave me some food for thought. I think the Empath in me just tries to project the mood and feelings towards others like I would enjoy having reflected back at me; sort of a secular “do unto others” vibe. And when it comes to a place like Second Life which exists so much in the virtual, anything that’s particularly visually stimulating, like Flickr photography and style blogs, serves as the best possible stirring of the senses that I could hope for when the RL me can’t be physically inside the SL world. So when I’m browsing Flickr or immersed in Second Life in some way, happiness is often – as I’ve seen it beautifully and poetically written – “inhabiting my every molecule”. Or, at least, it’s valiantly trying its best to!

Gold in the Air of Summer
Please click for full size.

However, this morning I was feeling a bit blue, but I very much wanted to get another blog post done, so I cheered myself with every possible sensual experience I could think of. (Well, not every possible experience. Insert an appropriately sly, winky emoji here!) But I poured myself a hot cuppa, put on a beloved Spotify playlist, picked out some of my favorite new releases from the debut Luxe Box and the current round of Tres Chic, and found myself a beautifully cozy perch in the always mood lifting The Trace Too region to watch the waves. The warmest, most inviting windlight I could find (with my compliments and sincere thanks to Torley), was that extra boost I needed to feel a true rising in my thoughts and levity in my heart.


Body // Lara Mesh Body v3.5 by Maitreya
Head & Skin // Melissa by Genesis Lab
Ears // Steking Ears Season 5 by Mandala
Hair // Luxe Box May (Size A) by Magika for Luxe Box May 2016


Top // Dakota Blouse (Lace Maitreya) by Stories&Co by Flowey for Luxe Box May 2016
Shorts // Liza (Maitreya Fatpack) by EVANI for Tres Chic, through June 10th
Shoes // Vitality Sandals (Black for Maitreya Flat) by REIGN

Destination & Inspiration

Location // The Trace Too
Song Spark // Kings Of Convenience – Gold in the Air of Summer

Sometimes, the best possible balm for a trying day or a blue mood is to find the things that stir and compel you, turn them up to 11, fill your mind and view with their unique light, and then bask in the warming glow. ♡

“I think I brought everything we need,
so don’t look back,
don’t think of the other places that you should have been;
it’s a good thing that you came along with me.
You’ll shine like gold in the air of summer …”

23 thoughts on “Gold in the Air of Summer

    Gold in the Air of Summer - Second Life Bloggers said:
    May 23, 2016 at 8:11 am

    […] Gold in the Air of Summer […]

    Liked by 1 person

    landacrystal said:
    May 23, 2016 at 9:14 am

    I can totally recognize you in this piece. Not just in the picture but in the story and writing. You always focus on the positives about people´s work and you comment sincerely and from the heart. It´s amazing how many empaths are in SL. Must be something to it! xox.

    Liked by 2 people

      Ever Afterr responded:
      May 26, 2016 at 4:28 am

      Thank you so much, lovely Landa! You are always so sweet and thoughtful, and that means the world to me. ♥ What you say is so true: I think empaths are drawn to Second Life (and maybe even created here) and it’s such a wonderful thing. The many ways we support each-other through donations, fundraising events, or even just emotional support in-world or on our blogs/Flickr pictures is so inspiring and amazing. SL gets some wildly diverse “reviews”, so to speak, from the media and people who don’t understand that it’s not really a game, it’s a community. Never a perfect one, maybe, but perfectly imperfect– and it feels like home. ♥

      Liked by 1 person

    Lucie Bluebird said:
    May 23, 2016 at 2:27 pm

    Such a thoughtfully written piece, Ever! I really enjoyed your insights. And this picture is just gorgeous!

    Liked by 1 person

      Ever Afterr responded:
      May 26, 2016 at 4:31 am

      Awww, Lucie! Thank you so much for your kindness and your lovely words, they mean so much to me. And I’m so happy you like my picture! Lots of hugs for you. ♥


    Moz Loordes said:
    May 23, 2016 at 2:40 pm

    Very honest! I used to project empathy in my Second Life work a lot and I still do but also I sometimes portray the darker moods and have had good responses to them. They are quite hard not to go over the top with and still find some fragment of beauty in the style. The best responses come from a description of a dark human emotion and a possible solution because you see I believe in the ultimate good ending of any story whether it is virtual or in reality. <3

    Liked by 2 people

      Ever Afterr responded:
      May 26, 2016 at 4:39 am

      Your words, intentions, and inspirations are so perfect, Moz. I love what you said: “The best responses come from a description of a dark human emotion and a possible solution because you see I believe in the ultimate good ending of any story whether it is virtual or in reality.” So much wisdom there.

      There is “beauty in the breakdown”, as one of my favorite songs says, and darker moods and emotions have so much possibility for intense artistic expression that it would be a disservice not to give into them and let them speak as inspiration. But the resolution, the solution: that’s the key. When people can find beauty in the dark emotions but find and follow the light at the other end … it’s so profound and beautiful. Thank you for all you do, Moz. You’re wonderful. ♥

      Liked by 1 person

    Gia Swizzle said:
    May 24, 2016 at 12:26 am

    Great blog post. I enjoyed reading this and I know many will be able to identify and find comfort by reading this. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

      Ever Afterr responded:
      May 26, 2016 at 4:40 am

      I appreciate you so much, Gia! Thank you for your lovely and thoughtful comment, and I’m so happy and grateful that you enjoyed reading it. Hugs for you! ♥

      Liked by 1 person

    diyslblog said:
    May 24, 2016 at 3:23 am

    Wonderful post, enjoyed every word hun and also can relate to alot too, I can say you have also inspired me to have the exact kind of day your morning turned out to be, so thank you :) Beautiful picture from a beautiful woman with a beautiful soul ♥

    Liked by 1 person

      Ever Afterr responded:
      May 26, 2016 at 4:49 am

      Jules! It’s raining on my face right now– what is this witchcraft? ;) ♥

      You are so kind, and warm, and full of radiant light, my dear friend. I’m so happy and blessed that you resonated with my words, and I’m delighted that you had a wonderful day! The way we inspire and motivate each-other, both in-world and here in our ancillary communities, is so wonderful and uplifting. Thank you for being part of both, sweet lady. So much love for you! ♥

      Liked by 2 people

        diyslblog said:
        May 26, 2016 at 4:55 am

        awwww your so sweet huni ♥ if I am totally honest I also see the beauty in rain, ok doesn’t leave you with the same warm glow your previous post but some days there is nothing better than that comfort of hearing the rain falling, wind blowing and watching the world go by :) I guess that comes from being in the UK and having so much rain I have to embrace it too lol. Sending warm hugs to a beautiful lady :)

        Liked by 1 person

          Ever Afterr responded:
          May 26, 2016 at 5:12 am

          So much love for the rain! Here’s a plan: I’ll bottle up all the warm Southwestern sunshine you can handle, and send it your way – and maybe you’ll steal a rain cloud for me? Thunderstorms and rainy days are such bliss, and I miss them terribly. Incidentally, if you happen to know any places in SL where they have simulated rain, I would be so delighted to visit!

          Lots of warm, sunshiny hugs to you too, dear soul! ♥


    annagibby33 said:
    May 24, 2016 at 5:46 am

    I was deeply moved by your capture and words, hun you have such a gift. Your writing and picture has put a smile on my face and warmed my heart!

    Liked by 2 people

      Ever Afterr responded:
      May 26, 2016 at 4:51 am

      Anna, my lovely and kind-hearted friend! I’m *so* happy to find you back from your brief SL hiatus and sharing pictures with us; they have always been so inspiring to me. You are a true artist with a beautiful vision that’s yours alone, and I’m so happy to know you. Keep shining your amazing light, wonderful gal! ♥

      Liked by 2 people

        annagibby33 said:
        May 26, 2016 at 9:52 am

        I don’t even know what to say except thank you, sending you much love and super tight hugs my beautiful friend!


    shazlebdazzle said:
    May 24, 2016 at 6:55 am

    I can relate to what you wrote Ever…. You’re an interesting lady <3

    Liked by 1 person

      Ever Afterr responded:
      May 26, 2016 at 4:54 am

      Aww, bless! Shaz, you are so unique and apart from anyone else in Second Life, and it’s truly awesome to see. Every time I see a picture from you on Flickr or in my WordPress Reader, I stop and just marvel at your singular look, fierce styling, and fascinating eye. You’re an interesting lady too, and always so inspiring to me! ♥


    Chloë-Dakota Rose said:
    May 24, 2016 at 11:03 am

    Ever, bae, you need to check out this personality test: – I tried this a year ago and I felt like I gotten to know myself so much better since then. Hehe!

    Anyway, this blog post was really beautiful, Ever! You are so good with writing and your writing style is so moving and can truly warm peoples hearts (as you can also tell by your lovely readers above). You are such a blogging queen, my sweet darling Ever and I love you very much ♥

    Liked by 1 person

      Ever Afterr responded:
      May 26, 2016 at 5:04 am

      Your personality test is so on fleek! You’re such a woke bae. You be like my fam and my squad, and you’re like totally lit. (Am I doing it right? According to this MTV article, which I totally *did not* just have to reference, I am effing nailing it right now! –

      You are so sweet and cute and lovely and wonderful, my beloved Chloë-Dakota! Except, stop being halfway around the world – that’s super rude of you. ;) So much of my hella-INFP heart belongs to you! ♥

      Liked by 1 person

    the dune mouse said:
    May 25, 2016 at 11:26 pm

    as WB Yeats said about another Irishman, “He had an abiding sense of tragedy which sustained him during temporary periods of joy!” :D I am a bit of a melancholic myself but hope I have some overtones of sensuality. A lovely image and sense of contentment and joy!

    Liked by 1 person

      Ever Afterr responded:
      May 26, 2016 at 5:10 am

      You do, my dear Cybele! Your words are always lush and evocative, and your pictures are so full of amazing imagery and sights. Whenever a day feels melancholic or blue, looking at your Flickr stream is a promise of tranquility, and that’s such a wonderful thing. Thank you for all that you do and share with us, lovely lady! ♥

      Liked by 1 person

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